Our daily corruption in Brazil: Outpourings of an outraged citizen (English Edition)


The book has the following format: parts I, II, and III make up the trilogy of corruption in the past, present, and remote possibility of a solution in the future. The last part integrates my aphorisms, which conceive the book’s subtitle – the outpourings of an outraged citizen.
Part I summarizes the history of corruption in Brazil, and part II reveals the cycle of corruption nowadays. Although there have been changes in the political scenario, with the election of some “new” politicians, the modus operandi remains the same.
In part III, there is an open window for which a few well-intentioned politicians seek to be responsible not only with their promises in election campaigns but also, if elected, seek to act with zeal and respect for citizens and the country.
In part IV, the proverbs are created more or less like this: from the error, or even from the momentary neglect by the political or private agent, my mind grabs the content and turns it into outpourings to relieve my frustrations and, in many cases, eliminate my wildest feelings.

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